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6 Tips for Securing Your Home Network

Remote and hybrid work models have become commonplace, with about a third of employed people still working from home, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. While this flexible approach offers convenience, it has opened the door to security vulnerabilities that cybercriminals are all too eager to exploit.

The National Security Agency (NSA) reports that attackers are actively targeting home networks to gain access to corporate networks. Studies indicate that, on average, home networks face approximately 23 unique threats each month.

Here are some of the ways you can secure your home networks to reduce your risk profile:

  • Secure the wireless network: Treat your home Wi-Fi network as an extension of your company’s network. Change default router passwords, enable strong encryption (WPA2 or WPA3) and disable remote administration.

  • Update your operating system: Keep all your devices’ operating systems up to date with the latest security patches. Use automatic updates when available or manually update every month.

  • Update router firmware: Regularly update your router’s firmware to prevent unauthorized access to your network.

  • Use a VPN: Connect to your company network via a secure VPN tunnel to encrypt and protect your data in transit. Be cautious of free VPN services, however.

  • Protect credentials: Change default passwords and use strong, unique passwords for each account. Consider using a password manager for added convenience and security.

  • Set up a separate guest network. This limits visitors’ access to your main network, protecting sensitive data.

As a potential gateway to sensitive company data, your home network requires strong security measures. Following these recommendations can significantly reduce the risk of cyber threats and keep your digital workspace safe.