Your Passwords May Not Be as Secret as You Think

Studies show that the vast majority of cyberattacks stem from weak or compromised passwords. This is often because users tend to create passwords with personal information that can easily be gathered from social media sites and other public sources. The problem with easy-to-remember passwords is that they are easily guessed. Also, hackers armed with AI-powered password crackers can guess many common passwords in under one minute. 

Here are some common password naming conventions that people follow. If you use any of these, change them ASAP:

  • A pet’s name. Because most people also share information about their furry friends on social media, hackers can easily find this information.

  • Family names. Maiden names, spouse’s names or children’s names are also easily discoverable through social media and other online sources.

  • Street names. This is one of the easiest bits of information to get from public sources.

  • Notable dates. Birthdays, wedding anniversaries and other milestones are often well-known to others.

  • Sports teams. The names, nicknames and mascots of college and professional sports teams commonly populate lists of the most-compromised passwords.

  • The word “password.” Year after year, “password” is the most common password worldwide, often because it is a default password that is never updated. In most cases, it is the first password that a hacker will try. Adding numbers to the end doesn’t enhance security, either.

  • Easy number patterns. “123456789,” “123123” and “111111” all rank among the 10 most common passwords. Researchers say all of them can be cracked in under a second.